APA Editing and Formatting
APA style (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition) is a widely used format for clinical, scholarly, referred papers for undergraduate and graduate school requirements, and scientific journal publication. We have decades of editorial experience in the biological and life sciences, specifically with APA format, to help you prepare your paper for submission.
We'll help you with:
Structure, from cover page, to headings, to reference list
Author biographical requirements
Acknowledgment requirements
IRB requirements
Organization and format
Citation and reference list editing
Tables and Figures review
Permissions review for use of third-party content
Copy editing for overall clarity, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling, correct verbiage, etc.
500-1000 words $50
1001-3000 words $100
4000 words $125
5000 words $175
6000 words $225
7000 words $250
8000 words $275
9000 words $325
10,000 words $375
11,000 words $425
12,000 words $450
APA Citations/References
$2.50 per reference
*Pricing does not include tax.